xSpawn First Collection Ranking list
Rank | # Owned | Owner |

xSpawn First Collection
xSpawn are here to take part in the fiercest competition on the blockchain. The SPORE WARS. Six teams all competing for the high score on the XRPL. NFT holders will be “drafted” into different teams to compete in a series of community challenges with various rewards and giveaways. Which team will bring home the glory!?
Floor 6.0 xrp
Items 105
Total volume 10.0 xrp
Holders 38
Listed 26.66%
- 5 XRP
- 20 max
- 35% of 300 minted
You qualify for a free NFT, you may mint it here at any time. Here is more information about setting up a wallet and minting on xrp.cafe.