XRP MFKRs Ranking list
Rank | # Owned | Owner |

Some XRP MFKR’s chillin on the L block “XRP Ledger that is..” Sponsored by FintechBets. (FREE FOR THE 1st. YEAR) the success in redistribution of XRPL NFTs has surpassed $50,000 USD in 2024. Enables 33% discount on Tier #2 Golden Ticket, also enables holder to participate in FintechBets AUCTIONS with face melting discounts from 99% on 300+ XRPL NFT COLLECTIONS running 24/7 in the DISCORD. The AUCTIONS are paid in $FBX utility token. 100% of the $FBX is burnt through the AUCTION continuously, reducing supply from the initial 11 MILLION. This NFT puts you on the $FBX daily “TIPPER” faucet. Join Discord through the linktree for more information. One NFT per wallet applies to discounts, and promotions.
Floor 20.0 xrp
Items 218
Total volume 358.0 xrp
Holders 141
Listed 19.26%
You qualify for a free NFT, you may mint it here at any time. Here is more information about setting up a wallet and minting on xrp.cafe.