BearMarket Degens - Genesis NFT Collection Ranking list
Rank | # Owned | Owner |

BearMarket Degens - Genesis NFT Collection
The BearMarket Degens Genesis NFT Collection features 750 digital collectibles, each with a unique set of characteristics. We’ve chosen to mint on the XRPL as its fundamentals ($0.0001 tx costs, 3 seconds/tx) align with our ‘no thrills’ and ‘under dog’ ethos. The BearMarket Degens community has been established as a space where fellow investors and traders can come together to support each other during periods of economic turmoil and market volatility. NFT holders will gain access to exclusive channels containing research and analysis, including macroeconomic updates, trading strategies and cryptocurrency/NFT investment recommendations.
Floor 1.0 xrp
Items 265
Total volume 13.0 xrp
Holders 58
Listed 5.66%
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