AL-san the Alpaca Ranking list
Rank | # Owned | Owner |

AL-san the Alpaca
𝙰𝚕-𝚜𝚊𝚗, Alberto from Peru, works in Japan as a knitter. He works a lot of part time jobs on his low season (Summer & after he runs out his hair) and enjoys his day off learning Japanese culture. アルさんは日本で働く自毛セーター職人アルパカ(ペルー生まれ)です。 閑散期(夏&毛が生えるまで)はバイトを掛け持ちして生計を立ててます。
Floor 0.0 xrp
Items 6
Total volume 63.0 xrp
Holders 3
Listed 0.00%
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